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Updated as of: March 1 2022 5:08 PM PST


Braces America

Dr. Nader Dayani has a job opportunity for pre-dental students to work at his office in Irvine and West Los Angeles. If you are interested in working in a dental orthodontic office, please reach out to Dr. Nader Dayani via phone/email. 

Nader Dayani, DDS

Location 1: 18124 Culver Dr. Ste. A, Irvine, CA 92612
Phone:  (949) 552-5890

Location 2: 11645 Wilshire Blvd. Ste 802, Los Angeles, CA 90025
Phone: (310) 826-7494



Get $70 off DAT Bootcamp with our code uclapdsop20. Code valid for academic year 21'-22'.


Sunrise Tutoring -- Dental Personal Statement and Application 

Michelle, founder of Sunrise Tutoring, D1 at UCLA SOD, and previous member of PDSOP, is reaching out to offer services in personal statement editing and dental application advisement. She has helped several members in the last application cycle and offers discounts to PDSOP members. If interested, she would love to continue working with PDSOP club to help more members on their dental school journey. 

Phone Number: (626) 634-5487


ASDA at WesternU 

In need of helpers at their Halloween Health Fair!


If interested, please sign up with this link:

UCLA School of Dentistry Club 

Bruins for Financial Success

We are the first club that has been authorized to accept pre-dental students as members. What this means is that you guys can come to our meetings and socials, and put your participation in this club on your application as well. If anyone is interested in joining, send an email to with a $15 venmo for annual dues or $5 for each quarter. 


UCLA ASDA Pre-Dental Outreach

Starting off this fall, we are excited to offer our Mentorship Program for pre-dental students across the nation!

After signing up, you'll be paired with a UCLA Dental Student who can review your personal statement/secondary essays, provide a mock interview, and guide you on your journey to dental school for the quarter(s) of your choosing.

Even if you're not applying this cycle, your Dental Student Mentor can be an amazing resource for all of your burning questions!
Sign up as soon as possible to get paired with your future mentor!

To sign up, fill out the Google Form below and Venmo the fee to @JocelynBChen.



Dr. Vivek Shetty's lab is looking for volunteers. Their work focuses on preventative dentistry research, and more specifically, developing technology to monitor brushing in a home setting. They are looking for pre-dental students who can dedicate roughly 5-10 hours a week to help out with various lab tasks. 

For more information, contact Julia Tobin at!


20% off DATBOOSTER with code uclapredental.


Registration: TBD (will be announced)

BDP will be continuing this year! The lecture is going to have the same schedule as last year, and the lab course will be online as well. It will be every other Wednesday (lecture starting the first week, lab starting the second week), starting in the winter quarter. The lecture section will take place over the course of 2 quarters and the lab section will be either winter or spring. Lecture series must be completed before taking the lab series and we will cross-reference with your previous grades to determine if you qualify for the lab section.

The lecture costs $60 and the lab costs $40 and fees must be paid at the time of registration. Registration will be through their website,  

If you have any questions please reach out to


Santa Monica Esthetic Dentistry

What: Interested in pursuing a career in dentistry? Want to gain experience working in a dental office? 

Come join our team of oral health professionals in downtown Santa Monica. We are currently accepting applications for volunteer interns at our newly renovated practice. This is a great opportunity to interact with different patients, gain hands-on experience, and be exposed to a myriad of dental procedures (root canal treatments, extractions, crown cementations, etc.).


A letter of recommendation can also be obtained depending on your performance!

For more information, visit our website at

If interested, please email your cover letter, resume, and availability to


***Preference will be given to those who can dedicate long hours in one day and commit to at least one quarter.***

Where: 1418 7th Street Suite #101, Santa Monica, CA 90401

Kaplan Student Brand Ambassador 

If you are looking for a great on-campus job that pays $15 per hour and allows for the flexibility you need as a busy student, make sure you register for our Student Brand Ambassador hiring event on October 18th from 3-5 EST or October 19th from 12-2 EST at

The best part: Student Brand Ambassadors get access to a free Kaplan course!


714 Tiverton Avenue,

Los Angeles, CA 90095

(310) 206- 3904

Instagram: @ucla_pdsop

Meetings: Tuesdays 6:00-7:00 pm 

Weeks 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 (every quarter)

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